Friday, January 19, 2018

Zero percent Balance Transfers can damage your Health

Zero percent Balance Transfers can damage your Health

What you are about to read may make you reassess your attitude to zero interest balance transfer offers. I will show how these balance transfer offers are pushing more and more people into serious financial difficulties and I will suggest a few ideas on how you can manage your debt better.

Credit card debt is rising at an alarming rate and many people are now getting into serious financial difficulties. One of the reasons is the promotion of no interest balance transfer offers and interest free initial periods.

Like most people, I've been tempted by the these offers to change my credit cards. I've taken them up on their offer and moved my credit card debt and, for a limited time, had no interest to pay. But "just in case of an emergency" I usually hang onto my old card.

Then something happens, an unexpected bill, or a wedding or birthday gift I've forgotten about. "Never mind" I tell myself "I can put it on the old card - there's plenty of credit on there so it's no problem."

A few months and a few unexpected bills later the interest free period runs out I have to pay interest on both my new card and the old card. Now I'm worse off than when I started but that's no problem as I can look for another card offering another interest free period and zero interest balance transfers.

It's so easy and the banks and credit card companies are so eager to lend the money that it becomes routine, until that is, something goes wrong. You could fall ill and be off work, or, you could lose some overtime and your wages fall, or maybe that big deal you were relying on falls through.

It may just be that the credit card companies decide you have too much outstanding on credit cards and you would have difficulty paying the repayments, or simply they spot that you are a regular churner of the debt and they don't want your business.

Whatever the reason the result is that you have all the interest to pay and you start to struggle with the minimum payments and miss one or two. Because you've missed payments it becomes even more difficult to find the next interest free balance transfer offer.

Now you have a real problem but it is one that can be avoided.

I could suggest that you don't use credit cards but I suspect that would not be acceptable, and I am not going to suggest you ignore the 0% offers - that would mean you paying interest when it is not needed.

The simplest way to benefit from these balance transfer offers, but keep your card debt under control, is to cut up your old card when you switch to a new one.

That way you benefit from the 0% offer but minimize your exposure to higher debt.

Once you have cut your card up though, it is essential that you contact the card issuer and close the account. Until you close the account the card issuer will continue to tempt you with special offers to use your old card.

Another tip is to never pay just the minimum payment. Always pay the maximum monthly payment you can afford. Reducing your payments simply pushes back the time when you have to repay and in the long term increases your payments. Use the interest free period to reduce your debt to the minimum and if possible clear the balance.

Credit card companies don't offer an interest free balance transfer because they are feeling generous. They do it because, in the vast majority of cases, they will be able to charge you more in the longer term. Use interest free credit to benefit you not the credit card companies.

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Friday, January 12, 2018

Your Finance Fitness Center.Debt Consolidation Finance

Your Finance Fitness Center.Debt Consolidation Finance

Debt consolidation finance is specifically designed to overcome the problem of managing finances. Debt consolidation finance being the part of the debt management program helps to eliminate the debt problem by consolidating them.

Before going for a debt consolidation finance the person should preferabily consult the credit advisor. The credit advisor will evaluate his financial status and his problem of debts. After a thorough study on your status he will recommend you whether the debt consolidation finance suits you or not. If he gives you a positive answer that debt consolidation finances is the best solution for your problem. Then the person should avail it for coping up with his debts. Otherwise he should find another way to deal with his debts.

Consulting credit advice doesnt mean that the person should totally rely on credit advisor. He himself should also evaluate his position and understand his problem. And ask himself whether the debt consolidation finances will suit him.

Debt consolidation finance helps the person to keep the positon of finances healthier, that is well managed. It is a sort of fitness center for finances of a person.

It also tries to guide the person regarding each and every aspect of money management.

Generally the lending company providing the debt consolidation finances, also provide the counselling on debt management. Just through a single convient monthly payment, the lender pay out to your creditors on your behalf. Lender also negotitate with the creditor for possible reduction in amount of debt. This reduction basically lies in:

Finance charges

Late fees

Monthly interest payment

Other miscellaneous cost

Since the reduction in the outgoing of money will let the person to save more money for his needs of the future.

Debt consolidation finances can be secured or unsecured. In secured, the person has to keep the collateral with the lender. Collateral is one of the reasons, which makes the debt consolidation financing cheaper, and also enables the person to pay lower rate of interest as compared to the unsecured debt consolidation finances. On the other side, in unsecured debt consolidation finances the person is not required to keep any sort of collateral. But, in return of that the person pays high rate of interest as compared to the secured loan.

The person should keep in his mind that going for secured debt consolidation finances can keep his collateraral at risk, if he has any doubt on his repayment ability. In this case, he should preferably go for unsecured debt consolidation finances. But this doesnt mean that in unsecured finances, he is safe. A legal action can be taken by the lender in order to realise the payment.

Eventually, before reaching to certain decision regarding your finances evalute every aspect of loan and your financial status.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Your Debt Free Plan for the New Year

Your Debt Free Plan for the New Year

Unmanaged spending using credit cards are the number one root cause that drives most of people into credit card debt. If you are current in debt and thinking of having a debt free life in near future, you need to start to look into your debt seriously; steering clear of unwanted debt is a great way to manage your finances and relive the stress cause by debt. Here are some debt free steps which you can put in place as your New Year's plan:

1. Change Your Spending Behavior

You cannot become debt-free if you spend more than you earn. It's that simple! Financial stress relief is called "money in the bank" or "positive cash flow". You need to know where you money goes; this can be done by list down your regular and non-regular expenses. Think twice for any item which you plan to buy, ask yourself whether it is a need or an optional item.

2. Have Your Budget Plan

Make a budget plan for yourself and eliminate or at least reduce optional stuff such as entertainment, dinner at restaurant and luxury vacations. Plan your budget according to your financial capability and spend according to your budget. You will be able to achieve your debt free goal if you can plan for a positive cash flow, which means that you spend less that what your earn.

3. Pay Your Bills On Time, Every Time

Managing monthly bills is an essential part of staying debt free and maintaining a good credit rating. If you find this difficult, come up with a system to ensure that bills are not paid late. For your current credit card debt, you may get help from finance experts such as credit counseling or debt consolidation services; they are widely experience in help people in debt management.

4. Set Your Financial Goals For Long-Term and Short-Term

To change your spending behavior may be difficult, but if you set your financial goals, both for short- and long-term, it is easy to make the necessary spending cuts to get what you really want. So set your realistic financial goals for year 2007 and a few year down the road; and manage, control and cut unnecessary expenses so that your can achieve your financial goals.

5. Plan For Adequate Emergency Savings Fund

You never know what will happen tomorrow, there may be some emergencies which will need a lump sum of money instantly, such as medical bill due to major illness and accidents; money to cover to income shortages such as temporary loss of job. Three to six months' worth of bare-bones living expenses should shield you from most of these problems. Make the savings your habit.

6. Learn to Invest Your Money

Investing can make our money earn more money and keep you out of debt. Learn to invest with your money to grow it. There are many investment plans available in the market, range from insurance, to mutual fund, to stock market. Investment can make your grow your money; in contrary, it may cause you loss your money as well. Normally high gain investment will have higher risk than low profit investment. You need to understand your own risk profile and select the investment schema that meet your risk profile. You can start your learning by taking a class, find a referral to a great adviser or just start reading. Do it your way, but do it; and start now!

So, these are some tips for Your Debt Free Plan. Wish you have a Happy and "Debt Free" New Year.

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Friday, December 22, 2017

With Personal Debt Consolidation Debts Are Almost Anonymous

With Personal Debt Consolidation Debts Are Almost Anonymous

If the debts that you have taken are taking their toll on you and have disrupted your social and personal life, then you can safely assume that you need to take safety measures before the situation gets totally out of hand. A person in that situation can do either of two things; either he can pay all of the loans at over charged prices or he can choose the personal debt consolidation loan.

A personal debt consolidation loan is a loan whereby people who have multiple debts to their names can clear all their debts with a single loan from a professional creditor i.e. a bank or some other creditor. This facilitates the borrower to break the web of debts that have built around him and help him in making a fresh start. This is not all. A borrower can get several other benefits if he chooses to go for personal debt consolidation. The benefits that a normal person can expect to get with personal debt consolidation are:

A personal debt consolidation can be availed at interest rate which will be lower than the one which the borrower was previously paying. In that scenario, every reduction in interest rate helps.

With personal debt consolidation, we only have single creditor to focus on and only a single installment to make every month which is much easier than the previous scenario.

You can get a personal debt consolidation loan up to an amount, which you owe. So it does not matter how much amount you need, it will be provided.

People with bad credit history usually find it tough to get the loans, but, with personal debt consolidation loan people with bad credit history are also served. Though, the terms may vary according to your credit score.

The other benefits may depend on the types of loan that a borrower wants, the kind of security the borrower pledges, the amount of loan that needs to be cleared up, borrowers past record, the time frame for which the loan is wanted and the other details regarding the loan.

Once a borrower decides to take the loan he can apply for the loan by going online and searching for an online creditor who will provide you with the loan suiting your profile. After that is done, do the needful, follow the lead, and complete the process. Once the application is submitted the loan will be approved in a few days.

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Monday, December 18, 2017

Wipe Out Your Debts With Credit Card Debt Risk Management

Wipe Out Your Debts With Credit Card Debt Risk Management

Credit card has become a basic necessity in the modern world. Life without credit cards is unimaginable. With a gamut of lucrative offers one tends to get tempted to procure a credit card for himself. But a turning point comes when credit cards are regarded as free cash. This misunderstanding can drive them amidst a stack of debts.

Overspending through credit cards can often land you in a financial crisis. This is when a credit card risk management can come to your rescue. Credit management is understood in different ways depending on your state of affairs. For instance, business owners comprehend it as a route to realize policies and practices to abide by in getting payments from consumers and clientele. A part of effectual big business credit management is an aversion of lengthening credit terms to potential bad debtors. Credit management in simple terms would stand for ways and means to reduce your debts in a short span of time.

Professional credit card debt management can help you to save your credit rating and your funds with ease. A credit card risk management agency can negotiate with your creditors on your behalf to fetch you lower monthly repayments and affordable interest rates.

Spending through credit cards can become an addiction. Whereas, excessive usage of credit cards can lead you to the state of bankruptcy within no time. This affects your credit standing adversely as well. In this set-up, credit card risk management is an ideal way out from your financial jam.

Credit Card Debt Risk Management agencies can provide you with beneficial programs to customize with your state of affairs. You can stay abreast with your fiscal scenario with credit card management programs. It can facilitate you to face your hardships with ease. You are generally barred from using credit cards which are under the debt management program

Many credit card companies do provide management strategies to tackle your fiscal adversity efficiently. You can take the aid of credit card debt risk management agencies to help you out in a financial mess.

You can enrich your knowledge of your current credit situation with credit counseling services provided by various agencies. A little spadework is recommended to look for a suitable credit card risk management agency.

Credit cards can offer you with immense freedom to expand your financial horizons. Yet when the credit is not reimbursed until a stipulated period, it can be a source of tension and sleepless nights. You can evade your financial and mental strain with credit card debt risk management.

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Friday, December 15, 2017

Why You Should Take Advantage Of Student Loan Debt Consolidation

Why You Should Take Advantage Of Student Loan Debt Consolidation

You went to college, and you have your degree. And now that you have a job, you are making your own money, which means you have your own bills to pay. College probably wasn't free, and it certainly wasn't cheap. You probably had to take out several student loans in order to pay for your tuition, books, even your living expenses. So now that you have graduated, you are faced with the prospect of paying back several loans at a time. This can be quite overwhelming. It can be difficult to keep track of several different monthly loan payments with different interest rates. That is why student loan debt consolidation is a good thing to consider.

When you consolidate your student loans, you are combining them into one loan. This has many benefits for you, including only 1 monthly payment rather than several to keep track of, and one low interest rate for the entire amount. Also, you can take longer to pay back the loan, which will help keep your monthly payments lower. In the long run, you will save money by choosing student loan debt consolidation, because you won't be paying several varying interest rates on several loans.

Another huge advantage of student loan debt consolidation is that it is beneficial to your credit rating. If you have several loan payments to keep track of and pay per month, the chances of you missing a payment are much higher than if you have just one loan payment to pay monthly. And missing student loan payments is nothing to mess around with. If you get behind on your loan payments, you run the risk of having property and possessions revoked, and your credit rating will be damaged for a very long time. Therefore, if you are someone who might not be able to keep track of several student loans at a time, you should consider student loan debt consolidation!

Going through the student loan debt consolidation process is not difficult, and takes very little time on your part. There are many reputable lenders (especially on the Internet) that will help you through the process, either online or over the phone. Once you choose a consolidation company to handle your loans, the process usually doesn't take any longer than 45 days (you should continue to pay your loan payments until the consolidation is final). How a student loan debt consolidation works is the consolidation company pays the balance on all of your existing student loans, and then lumps the entire balance of them into one loan. Then an interest rate is determined. Usually, this is based on an average of the interest rates for your previous student loans. The advantage, though, is that once an interest rate is locked in, the rate remains unchanged until the balance is paid off. With unconsolidated loans, the interest rate is subject to rise ever July.

Student loan debt consolidation seems like an ideal way to pay back your student loans in a manageable and responsible way. You only have to deal with one lender, you only have to deal with one low interest rate, and you only have to deal with one monthly payment. And, you will save money in the long run, because you are not paying the extra amounts in interest that you would be paying if you did not consolidate. In addition, your credit rating will remain at a good level, which you allow you to make major purchases at lower interest rates throughout your life.

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Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Why You May Need Credit Card Debt Consolidation

Why You May Need Credit Card Debt Consolidation

You find yourself in a situation of mounting credit card debt. You have 5 credit cards in your wallet and have been shopping more than you earn. Initially you had no problems managing your funds but it has started to snowball not too long ago. Your spending has been steadily increasing as you find it hard to curb your shopping habits. From being able to pay the full outstanding balances on your credit cards, you are paying the minimum sum each month. Your salary can barely cover your required minimum payments.

This is when you start to realize that you are just unable to cope. You face stress and worry each month when you receive the dreaded statements from your credit card companies and your banks. Then, you begin to panic when you receive calls from the loan recovery department of your banks. Increasingly, you find it hard to keep secret your debt situation from your family members.

What can you do? So how about considering credit card debt consolidation as a possible solution to get you out of this mess?

Credit card debt consolidation simply means taking all your outstanding balances and turning them into one payment. Normally this payment is lower than if you paid all of them individually.

This is what happens in a credit card debt consolidation process. After you agreed on a plan with a debt consolidation company, the debt company pays off your debt to your creditors. You make a single monthly payment to the consolidation company each month. You get to also pay a lower average interest rate than previously.

All credit card debt consolidation loans require some form of credit card and debt counseling. You and your family have to cutback on your lifestyle while you get things back in order. However, the aim of debt consolidation is to have you debt free, with a roof over your head!

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